Spent the first day catching up with my cousins Sian, Matthew & Ceri (and of course the bride to be - Louise) as well as their parents Dawn & Elwyn. We spent the first day swimming and snorkelling in the crystal blue waters of the lagoon. There were a few fish around including Picasso Triggerfish, who are currently raising their newborns and are very territorial! I got bitten by one but it was just a little nip!! We caught the sunset that evening which was amazing.
The next day was Wedding Day and it was all hands on deck as we prepared the reception venue which included french plating coconut tree ferns which proved quite tricky! 
The wedding was beautiful (and the setting amazing). We had champagne on the beach before heading back for the reception which carried on long into the night, accompanied by some swimming in the lagoon at midnight in only inches of water!
The following day was clear up day (and surprisingly no hangover!) We then got onto the hired motorbikes and drove
That night we took our drinks and headed off down the beach to celebrate New Year. The party was still in full flow when we left it gone 3am!
The next morning, we had to catch our flight back to Auckland and I very nearly missed the taxi to the airport due to sleeping through my alarm (the alcohol played no part in this!!!) Arrived back in Auckland on the 2nd Jan (due to crossing the date line) still feeling a little worse for wear!!! Happy New Year everyone!
Rarotonga is a lovely island... I were there exactly 2 years earlier before you. I still remember my rides on the vespa around the island, the diving, the bathing... aah, better not to think about it :-)!! I envy your and Katies continious trip around the world. Enjoy it while you can!
Hi Helen,
Reading your blogg brings it all back! Would have been great to have joined you on the rest of your adventures so far! Will tell my neighbour about your visit to Cook Islands as she has recently returned and talks of nothing else!! (Didn't like the bit about the nipping fish- yuck!!).
Martha x
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