Our first role was to assist in getting the main sail up - which Kate & I volunteered for!! We were only pulling the excess rope in and not having to pull up the actual sail but it still took a bit of effort!
We were then coasting along using just the wind and our skipper Shannon decided to give Kate a go at driving (if that's the right phrase) the boat. He sat by for the next hour as she did a pretty good job and even managed to get the yacht tipping (we had to hold on for dear life!!)
We moor up in front of Whitehaven Beach which is glowing in the moonlight and have dinner as it begins to rain a little. We all manage to cram into tiny bunks (that I'm sure are only meant for one person but somehow has to fit 2!) and try to sleep despite the rocking of the boat!
We go back on board and head around the headland to Turtle Bay where we go for a short walk to get a great view of the beach.
We head off to a quieter area and jump in the water for some snorkeling. It is just as impressive here as anywhere else I've been in Australia. We then head further round the islands and moor for the night and sit on the deck with our wine watching the sun go down!
The final morning, Kate & I are up scrubbing the deck. It seems that some red wine has been spilt in several places and, as we were the only ones drinking red wine, it has to be us! Its not our fault that the boat was rocking! Anyway, we're on our hands and knees making the deck look white again!
We then jump in the water again for our final snorkeling of the trip. This time, it seems that all the fish have gathered here as you can't move for them! It was the only time that I didn't take my camera in (typical) but had a great time swimming in and out of shoals!
We then say goodbye to the Whitsundays and head back to port. It was such an amazing trip (not to mention one of the most beautiful places I've seen!)
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