Saturday, November 25, 2006

Bonito & Snorkeling!

We arrived in Bonito after travelling for about an hour along a dirt track. It was strange to see a Christmas Tree in the hotel lobby as we were in the middle of a heatwave! We explored the little town (which seems to have just one main road)!

The next day we went snorkelling at Rio de Prata. We got into our wetsuits and shoes (only for me to discover that there was a frog living in my wet shoe!) We got into crystal clear water that was very refreshing. We practised around a small lake to get used to the breathing before heading downstream!

We saw so many kinds of fish, some of them swimming alongside us and even right in front of us - there were big blue fish that were sucking the gravel, some piraputanga fish with yellow and red tails and some big black fish along with lots of smaller fish.

We went through some rapids and under fallen trees and at times the rocks were only inches from our bodies! We then went into cooler, deeper water that had more of the larger fish in it. There was even an otter on the shoreline (but most of us didn´t see it as our heads were underwater!)

Back in Bonito, Kate and I got caught in a massive thunder storm where the roads were transformed into fast flowing rivers. We were only 10 minutes walk from our hotel but managed to get soaked through. It was a good thing it was so hot as we didn´t mind the rain!

It was still humid the next day so we took things easy during the day as we have to get a night bus to Iguassu Falls at 11pm!

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