Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Kate's Birthday - Jumping off tall things!

Met up again with Kate (who'd been travelling around the North Island with her boyfriend Rod) in Auckland. As it was Kate's 26th birthday, she'd decided that she was going to do something crazy (why not!!) and was going to jump off the Sky Tower in Auckland (its a mere 192m!!) . I had to jump as well to help her celebrate (any excuse!).

We were taken into the tower and made to put on very sexy blue, red and yellow jump suits and we were harnessed up. Then we walked outside to the 'landing mat' and left Rod there to take photos. We then took the lift to the top of the tower and got to see an amazing view of Auckland!!
Kate went first (she is scared of heights and wanted to get the jump over as soon as she could!) She screamed all the way to the bottom (but at least she did it!)
Then it was my turn. They take you out to the edge and get you to pose before jumping! It was really windy out there (hence the dodgy hair). Then I had to grab the poles at the edge of the ledge, lean forward and jump!
You free fall for about 10 seconds, stop and then have to turn around and smile at the camera before falling at 86km to the bottom (you are harnessed on front & back so its not like a bungy!) You are aiming for the little red square - I ended up landing on my knees but it was great fun!
That night, Kate & I stayed at Graham & Jo's and they bought Kate birthday cake, complete with candles!

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